The Vision of Adhya Shakti Mataji Temple is to enhance the religious experience for all in our diverse congregational community. The temple will strive to conduct religious, spiritual, educational, social and cultural activities for the benefit of the Hindu community and the wider interested audience.
Temple will seek constantly ways and means to preserve and embellish Hindu traditions & cultural heritage, promote the values of peace, harmony, human values of truth, tolerance, non violence, forgiveness, respect for one and another and sharing through the means of prayer, Bhajans and community spirit.
Adhya Shakti Mataji Temple and with Mataji’s blessings to realise our dream of a beautiful Shrine to house the deities in front of the current Hindu Temple in Cowley, Uxbridge.
Through this focus, it is our mission to be mindful of our Hindu heritage, develop a congregational sense of responsibility to the extended community we serve and create an atmosphere of extended family for all our members and by serving Maha Prasad. And for these purposes construct expand and operate a Hindu Temple in Cowley, Uxbridge.